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Nutritional Benefits of Pigeon Peas

Pigeon peas are a type of legume. Scientifically called Cajanus Cajun, they belong to the Fabaceae family. They are small, round to oval, mostly cherry-red colored seeds. However, they come in other color variations like white, yellow, brown, etc. They have a mild flavor which makes them perfect for culinary combinations. In Nigeria, pigeon peas are called fiofio in Igbo, waken-masar or waken-turawa in Hausa, and otili or otinli in Yoruba.

Health benefits of pigeon peas

Pigeon peas have gained a reputation for being healthy foods. This is because they are a great source of proteins and other essential vitamins and minerals. Some of their benefits include:

  • Regulate blood pressure – They are a great source of potassium which is a vasodilator that can lower blood pressure. It could be beneficial for people suffering from hypertension to include pigeon pea into their diet
  • Promote growth and development – Pigeon pea is an excellent source of inexpensive plant-based protein. A single cup contains about 11 grams of protein. Protein is important for normal growth and development, healing, and regeneration of cells in the body.
  • Prevent anemia – Folate deficiency has been linked to anemia and neural tube defects in unborn children. A cup of pigeon peas provides more than 110% of the daily recommended intake of folate. This is very important in periods like pregnancy and breastfeeding when iron stores can become low.
  • Promote weight loss – They are low in saturated fats and cholesterol but full of nutrients and fiber. The high levels of nutrients and fiber can keep you feeling full for longer and increase your rate of metabolism.
  • Boost immune system – Pigeon peas are a good source of vitamin C. Vitamin C promotes wellness and strong immunity.
  • Boosts energy– They are a great source of energy. They contain B vitamins which boost overall energy levels in the body without packing on any pounds.
  • Heart Health – High levels of potassium and dietary fiber combined with low levels of saturated fats, cholesterol, and sodium make pigeon peas great for maintaining heart health. They deliver essential nutrients to the body without increasing overall cholesterol.
  • Improve Digestion – They are a great source of dietary fiber which is important for gut health. It promotes regular bowel movements, lowers the occurrence of diarrhea, cramping constipation, and bloating.

Culinary uses:

Looking for a way to add more fiber, protein, or other essential vitamins and minerals into your diet? then try pigeon peas. Pigeon peas have a mild flavor which makes them easy to combine with other food ingredients. For instance, in the Igbo land, they are used to prepare dishes like Ayaraya Oka (Pigeon Peas and corn), Agbugbu (Pigeon peas and yam), and Achicha (Pigeon peas and dried cocoyam). Pigeon peas can be cooked in different ways, with different ingredients, to produce great tasting nutritious dishes.

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